There apears to be other ships used by the Killiks. Doing them like that would allow them to fight like they do in Cannon Starwars. Can they be a swarm? Like 100 fighters in a wing instead of 3-5 like most mass Prodused fighters. So I have a request about the Killik Dart Ships. I was thinking of maybe haveing them in 1 of these options.ġ) have them as their own faction with their Joiner allies.Ģ) Make them a Part of the Militia Factionģ) Put them in a Collective group for all ships/minor factions of the Unknown Regions? Is it possible we can have the Killik's ships in game as well?
I'm really Glad we get the Geonosian Nantex-class starfighter, and Geonosian Corvettes.